AIR Test Assistance- This link will direct you to material that will help you succeed on the US History AIR Test. You will find state released questions, practice tests, and more.
Classroom Folder - This is the general classroom folder for Honors US History. It contains almost everything you need for class. Think of this a home page of files.
Contact - This link will pull up an e-mail addressed to myself.
Current Events Folder - This link contains the audio podcasts that need to be listened to in order to answer the current events questions for class.
Extended Responses - This link contains all of the extended response questions / forms that need to be answered for class.
Google Calendar Link - This is a link to a master calendar that will show various due dates of different items for class.
Homework Podcasts - This link contains the audio podcasts that need to be listened to in order to answer the podcast homework questions for class.
iTunes Link to Class Podcasts - This will direct you to iTunes where you can download or stream classroom materials. These podcasts are designed to review classroom materials.
Notes- This link provides you with notes packets / guided notes for each class unit.
Podcasts- This link provides you access to a Google Drive folder that has audio podcasts you can download or stream that contain classroom materials. These podcasts are designed to review classroom materials. (These are the same as the iTunes podcasts)
PowerPoints- This is a link to a Google Drive folder that contains all of the classroom PowerPoints that we will be using for Honors US History.
Quizlet Link - This is a link to a very comprehensive Quizlet designed to help students prepare for assessments.
Syllabus - This is a link to a syllabus document that will contain various assignments and due dates throughout the year.
Testing Assistance - This folder contains various materials that will help you to better prepare for assessments in my classroom. You will find: A general how to for taking online tests, a practice test for Unit 1, Quizlet link, and more.
Twitter - This is a link to the class Twitter feed. It gives general updates and reminders.